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In the Bergerac N in which the "Phantom Pigeon AutoWinnaar" participated, the release time was 15:30 in 1985, 14:30 in 1986, and 12:50 in 1987. However, the return time for all three races was 5:37 - 42 minutes, an error of only 5 minutes. Considering these record times, it is obvious that the pigeons continue to fly at night in mysterious ways. It must be the most expensive pigeon in the Netherlands, but for me it must be the cheapest pigeon in the world. The reason for this is that even if tens of millions of pigeons were produced every year by more than a million pigeon lovers on the planet, and even if tens of billions of yen were spent, it would be difficult to beat the record of the Autowinnaar. In other words, in the same race of more than 850 km, the pigeon must win the overall championship three times with more than 20,000 participating birds. I would like to evaluate this pigeon as a "genius pigeon with a truly superior brain and talent", which is the ultimate in my long search.


In 2002, an unprecedented pigeon with AutoWinnaar pedigree dominated the 1000km race for the OUKA Prize, taking 1st to 4th place overall. This pigeon, JPN92ZB04121, is a hybrid pigeon, combining the blood of 019 with that of AutoWinnaar. And JPN06XY01848 is made up of pure AutoWinnaar pedigree and achieved excellent results in the championship consignment race.

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