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Hideo Nin Loft OnlinPigeon School

- Inaugural Address -


Greetings, cherished members of the global pigeon-loving community! A resounding Happy New Year to each one of you, accompanied by heartfelt wishes for a year brimming with joy and success.

As we stand on the cusp of new beginnings, I want to address a void that has long persisted. There is no dedicated institution for the art and science of pigeon racing anywhere across the globe. Reflecting on my own journey into the world of pigeonry, the avenues for learning about racing pigeons were limited to seeking guidance from seasoned mentors or flipping through the pages of magazines.

In a spirit of shared passion and a commitment to the future of pigeon racing, I am thrilled to declare the inauguration of the "International Online Pigeon Racing School." It is my fervent hope that the wealth of knowledge I've amassed can be a beacon for pigeon enthusiasts worldwide.

Let us embark on a journey of collective discovery and education. Together, we shall elevate our understanding of these remarkable creatures and propel the world of pigeon racing into uncharted heights.

With enthusiasm for the shared pursuit of knowledge and excellence,

Hideo Nin

January 1, 2024


- Welcome to the International Online Pigeon Racing School! -

Given the lengthy name, we'll affectionately call it the "Pigeon School.”


<What's the Pigeon School?>

In 2022, on the brink of turning 90, Hideo Nin began to craft a grand plan. It involved establishing the world's first (apparently) private academy dedicated exclusively to pigeon racing. Nin has engaged in dialogues with various luminaries, from the Janssen brothers to A.S. Johnson, Maurice Gordon, Yasushi Namikawa, and Seizo Iwata. Nin has inherited invaluable teachings and the essence of pigeonry from these legendary figures. Unveiling the vast memories hidden within him, Nin hopes to pass on his experiences to the next generation of pigeon racers worldwide, contributing to the ongoing history of pigeon racing.

The "Pigeon School” is currently in the trial period (*1) and has opened in two areas. More content is scheduled to be added gradually, and after the trial period, we will provide details on enrolling in the Pigeon School.

1. Pigeon Video Lectures by Hideo Nin

Hideo Nin, with over 70 years of pigeonry, shares his personal pigeon racing history. He'll delve into untold stories about the '019' journey with the Janssen brothers, top-secret information about racing pigeons learned from various legends, and various unconventional approaches devised by Nin. These pigeon video lectures, titled "Pigeon Lessons," will be released as video sets with accompanying materials (*2). Start with "Pigeon Lesson NO.0" to get your journey.

2. Online One-on-One Consultation with Hideo Nin

Indulge in a one-on-one consultation (*3) with Hideo Nin, a hall-of-famer in the Japan Pigeon Racing Association. Nin will provide advice on various pigeon-related inquiries. Enjoy the eccentric talk unique to Nin, with over 70 years of pigeonry experience.


During the trial period, "Pigeon Video Lectures - Pigeon Lessons by Hideo Nin” will be freely accessible. Also, "Online One-on-One Consultation with Hideo Nin” will be available at 2000 yen (excluding tax) for 20 minutes. The trial period is scheduled until the end of March 2024.


To access materials, click on the accessory in the bottom left of the video page, and you will be directed to the PDF download page. The mobile version has a link in the video page.Please view them from there.



This content is entirely in the form of a reservation-based online video call. The necessary equipment, such as a computer, smartphone, microphone, webcam, and other internet-related expenses, are the responsibility of the customer to prepare and maintain.

"We will share the highlights of the Pigeon School opening ceremony by Hideo Nin.
What is Pigeon School? What is Pigeon Racing? What is a pigeon, to begin with!?
Even at the age of 90, Hideo Nin's passion for pigeons and his continuous pursuit of new things never cease! What does the Emperor of the pigeon world have to say!?
In the NO.0 materials, we introduce Hi
deo Nin's representative pigeon from the 'Chinese Pigeon Chronicle 2012.' Hideo Nin's loft is the only one featured in the super-famous pigeon loft encyclopedia from China and Taiwan (400 pages) in Japan. Please take a look.
Now, enjoy Pigeon Lesson 0!"


"Pigeon Lesson NO.0
'Hideo Nin Pigeon School Opening Ceremony!'"

Available Online


Hideo Nin Online Individual Consultation Room / 任秀夫的在线个人咨询室

20 min
2,000 Japanese yen
ZOOM オンラインビデオ会議


日本レース鳩協会の殿堂者である任秀夫とのマンツーマンでの個別相談室。鳩にまつわるみなさまの様々なご相談に任秀夫がアドバイスいたします。70年以上の鳩歴を誇る任ならではの破天荒なトークをお楽しみください。現在トライアル期間として特別価格の20分2000円より相談室を開いています。この機会にぜひ任秀夫に相談してみてはいかがでしょうか。 *この相談室はZOOMを用いたオンラインビデオ会議になります。ZOOMを使用するために必要な、コンピューター、スマートフォン、マイクやウェブカメラ、その他インターネット利用のために必要となる通信回線その他の通信環境等は、お客様の費用と責任において準備し維持するものとします。 現在対応言語としては英語、中国語、日本語のみとなっております。また予約ページに表示されている日時は全て「日本時間(JST)」となっております。日本以外からご予約されるお客様は日本との時差を考慮し、お間違えのない様ご協力よろしくお願いいたします。 What is the Online Individual Consultation Room? Exclusive Consultation with Hideo Nin, Hall-of-Famer of the Japan Pigeon Racing Association Get personalized advice from Hideo Nin, boasting over 70 years of pigeonry experience, in a one-on-one consultation. Enjoy his unique and unconventional insights into pigeon racing. The consultation room is currently open during the trial period at a special rate of 2000 yen for 20 minutes. Seize this opportunity and consult with Hideo Nin. This consultation room utilizes ZOOM for online video conferences. The necessary equipment (computer, smartphone, microphone, webcam), as well as internet-related expenses, are the responsibility of the customer. The service is currently available in English, Chinese, and Japanese. Please note that the displayed dates and times on the reservation page are in "Japan Standard Time (JST)." Customers outside Japan, please consider the time difference and ensure accurate scheduling. Your cooperation is appreciated. 什么是在线个人咨询室? 与日本赛鸽协会名人堂成员任秀夫进行一对一咨询 任秀夫将为涉及鸽子的各种问题提供个性化建议。尽情享受他拥有70年以上赛鸽经验的独特谈话。现在,我们以特价2000日元开设20分钟的试用期咨询室。不要错过向任秀夫请教的机会。 此咨询室采用ZOOM进行在线视频会议。使用ZOOM需要自备设备(电脑、智能手机、麦克风、摄像头),以及与互联网相关的费用,由客户负责。目前支持英语、中文和日语。请注意,预约页面上显示的日期和时间均为“日本时间(JST)”。从日本以外预约的客户,请考虑时差,确保准确安排。感谢您的合作。

Cancellation Policy

予約のご変更は開始時間の48時間前まで受付いたします。キャンセルについては開始時間の24時間前まで受付いたします。 Cancellation policy. Reservations can be changed up to 48 hours before the start time. Cancellations can be made up to 24 hours before the start time. 取消政策。 可在开始时间前 48 小时内更改预订。 可在开始时间前 24 小时内取消预订。

Contact Details


Japan, Osaka, 大阪市浪速区桜川4−5−19 グランドビル

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