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UNIQUE - Good News Record

March 1, 2024

"We have launched the official YouTube channel of Hideo Nin Pigeon Loft, known as the 'Last Emperor' in the world of pigeon racing. We plan to deliver various video contents in the future, so please be sure to check it out. → Hideo NIN YouTube Channel"

February 28, 2024

"In the February 2024 issue of Japan Racing Pigeon Magazine, the 'Unprecedented Successor' of Hideyoshi Hayashi Pigeon Loft (Awa Federation) was featured. The cover pigeon's parents are both representative pigeons of Hideo Nin Pigeon Loft, Pure Gordon (Unique No. 672) × Pure Opel (Unique No. 331).

Please be sure to check it out. → Japan Racing Pigeon Magazine February Issue"

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