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The Gordon line was completed by Maurice Gordon, who is known as the No. 1 pigeon breeder in the United States. Maurice Gordon is a great pigeon breeder with over 40 years of experience. The manuscript of the Gordon pigeon loft is of the British Ottoman type. Gordon introduced six pigeons from Osman's pigeon loft in 1926. Using these six pigeons as a basis, Gordon went on to improve and research the breed, while at the same time using the pigeons he had produced to produce a large number of excellent long-distance pigeons. The pigeons that survived to the end of the selection process were used to create the Gordon pigeons of today. The first characteristic of the Gordon breed is that they have very small bodies. The plumage color is mostly black or gray sesame, with occasional gray pigeons.


"The Unique 71" is one of the most memorable pigeons in the Gordon pedigree. First of all, this pigeon has flown over 10000 km in 25 races in 9 seasons over 6 years. It was also the first bird I had ever seen with chestnut plumage in the Gordon pedigree. The father and mother are both by Maurice Gordon and are pure Gordons. This pigeon is the mainstay of the lineage that has been passed on to the present.

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