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Information on Specific Commercial Transactions

Name of the dealer / Hideo Nin

Seller's address / Gran Building, 4-5-19 Sakuragawa, Naniwa-ku, Osaka, 556-0022, Japan

Representative / Hideo Nin

Telephone number / 06-6562-1059

E-mail address /

Website /

Fees / Varies depending on product and service. See website for details.

Payment Method / Payment method according to your payment system


Expenses other than the price of the product / Customers are responsible for communication expenses such as telephone charges for consultations, website browsing, and sending/receiving e-mails. In addition, customers shall prepare and maintain at their own expense the telecommunication lines and telecommunication environment necessary for receiving this service, such as computers, smart phones, microphones, cameras, software, etc.


Cancellation or change up to 7 days prior to the event: 0% (no charge)
Cancellation or change 2 to 6 days prior: 50%.
Cancellation or change on the day of the event or the day before: 100%.


Cancellation policy: We may have to cancel a lesson due to unavoidable circumstances, such as the instructor's poor health due to his/her advanced age. In such a case, a make-up lesson will be given.


Returns: Due to the nature of our service, we cannot accept returns. Please understand this in advance.

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